Rank Complaints

Comment here if u didnt get a promo and think u should have. Any complaint that is not filled out in the correct style will be ignored

Complaint Form:

1. Name on Ranks/Chat

2. Current Rank

3. Rank you think you should get

4. Why

66 Responses

  1. 1. Name: Mr Random1
    2. Current Rank: Commodore
    3. Rank you think you should get: Brigadier
    4. Why: I was waiting to be a moderator for a long time…I come on almost every day of the week- and if i leave during a battle, it’s not my fault because it would be someone else had to get on.Iv’e been in acp with over 800 medals for 10 months now, and we cleared a few servers out this morning..

  2. name mach1kid2
    current rank captian
    rank i want to be brigader
    why because i have always been on and i just want this i really love acp and i would hate to quit but plz make me a higher rank plz

  3. 1.Tex9m
    3.At least Warrent Officer or Lieutenant.
    4.I fight dilligently for ACP and the only time I have fought for a different army is……well…… i haven’t!!!!! I fought against RPF with only one person and we won ONLY because we wouldn’t give up!!!!
    So please,PLEASE, let me have a promotion.


  4. Please 😥 …..

  5. 1. Matthewmsh1

  6. Name on Ranks: Wombat 99
    Current Rank: Colnel
    Rank i think i should get: major General
    Why: because i would serve this rank with great care and give change to acp, so please let me be this rank

  7. Zamros/Miroos
    Rear Admiral (if not Brigaider).
    Why: I am a top class spy, I want to protect Mammoth and make ACP the greatest army in Club Penguin’s history!

    And Shab was my 2nd choice 😉

  8. Speedmobile
    Vice Admiral
    Fleet Admiral
    Sheesh, I was Head Admiral when I was in the ACP in ther last few weeks. I have always been higher than Meggis until Cas gave him billions of promo’s just because he as his friend. So, I want my rank back please. I’m on more than basicly anyone aswell. I patrol servers of ACP for like 30 minutes. I recruit alot. I’m also a Senator.

  9. Speeeeeeeeeed!
    Oh yeah and for some reason Zamros won’t load so I am using my non-members King Miroos/CP Banner 492/ Im Miroos.

  10. Complaint Form:

    1. Name on Ranks/Chat: Borja or Borja1221

    2. Current Rank: Real Admiral

    3. Rank you think you should get: At least Brigadier General, if you want more, give me more ranks, but at least Brigadier General

    4. Why: Well Shab, you know me, I´ve been in Acp since it started, Im really active, and noble, I dont see why I didnt get rank up.

  11. 1. 1.1.super24daaisy 1.2.24keyser
    2.current rank:captain
    3.wanted rank:rear admiral
    4,why:i was not ranked up yesterday and i do a lot for ACP i want to be leader someday

  12. im wondering why i did not get promoted im on chat almost everyday and fighting an patroling cp now i have a another rank to get threw because major was placed in name:acatosh currentrank:captain on chat im still:acatosh

  13. 1. Name on Ranks/Chat Ktman

    2. Current Rank None

    3. Rank you think you should get Brigadier

    4. Why Why would I (Ktman) an unranked soldier choose a rank as hig as Brigader? I am an extremeley active soldier and go on chat everyday and go to all battles. I comment on posts and always advertise for ACP and where its uniform. But the reason I chose this rank is because I saw my friend Itachi6Dark at this level. I’ve asked him very recently if he was in the ACP and he will tell you know. Besides his name I see a couple other inactive soldiers. Shouldn’t I get a rank that high especially since I was told I would get a decent rank by your new co-leader?

  14. 1. Foxtails
    3. i dont care i just want a rank!

  15. legocity20
    last rank
    beause I been fighting loyal for a long time I never got moved up i was in many wars that y I want to get captin

  16. Disregaurd my comment above! I now see I am ranked!

  17. ok jedi i know you demoted me bacause u tihnk i am using you well reality check IM NOT USING YOU! and i dont know where this use and abuse ankita club canme from because i’ve not been of acp chat for at least 2 months before thursday so my first guess is my sister, she trys to screw me up and make me look bad, i’ve only been on msn and cp but not ACP CHAT ok fine i’ll take my demotion but dont think that i’m using you ok?

  18. 1. Jim456
    2. Brigader
    3. I have really worked hard for ACP and havent been promoted higher in a while i was wondering if i could receive the rank of Vice Admiral or Major General but if you don’t agree with me Jedi don’t consider this a complaint and i will understand if you disrugaurd it……..

    Thank you for listening ma’am
    – Jim456

  19. NOOOOOOOOOOOO what did i do to not be on the ranks again 🙁
    I made acp bots and put them in a war.
    I made recruitment bots and STILL im not one the ranks.
    I was a petty officer… two months ago, then i disappearedfrom the ranks 🙁

  20. im running for gov of snow globe
    vote me

  21. ok my complaint is:
    Name on ranks/chat: Blue Speed 7
    Current rank: acp brigader general
    What rank i desire: Field marshal
    Why?: Because in the old ranking system i was belo 15 ranking officers in the ranks, now i beleive i’m below 20+ which i think is highly unfair and ankita, read my comment above for full story ok? josh only said those things because i said he sucks which was a highly stupid thing to do at a time of crisis within the acp leadership and to josh (You Most proboably won’t read it but what the hey) I Blue Speed 7 ACP brigader general and ACP Senator ‘Apollogize’ in the most gracful manor possible

  22. words spelt wrong *below* *Graceful* :S

  23. 1. Blueswill
    2. I dont have one!
    3. Major or Colonel
    4. Well I have lots of experience in war and I fought in almost all of the battles of Order SIxty Six. I think that ACP is a great army to fight for and that ACP is good.

  24. 1. Sheila Gally

    2. Major General

    3. Fleet Admiral

    4. I have been in ACP since November of 06 and I was Fleet Admiral before. I think I deserve that rank.

  25. JLM should be put up a rank.

  26. 1.Name:ibarreche
    2.current rank:corporal
    3.rank that you think you should get:lieutendant
    4.Why:Beacause every time theres a battle i join. Plus i was petty officer.Espeicialy last night i led a miedieum sized battle and we won.

  27. 1. Name on Ranks/Chat
    2. Current Rank
    I was air-marshall
    3. Rank you think you should get
    Major General
    4. Why
    I am the most dedicated soldier in the ACP I havjnt been active on chat but I have been active on threads/posts. Honestly I think I should of gotten higher . . .much higher. SO give me what you will but give me a rank atleast, my name is not even up there.

  28. 1. Name on Ranks/Chat
    2. Current Rank
    Field Marshal
    3. Rank you think you should get
    Lieutenuit General
    4. Why
    Because I’m I’ve been in ACP longer than almost every other soldier and Almost all of the people at higher ranks! I go to every battle I can, I am a Leader and was the first person to join the staff of ACP Training Academy(ACP Boot Camp). Also I am very active and am nice to everyone 90% of the time.

  29. also I think that Borja, Mr Random1, Acatosh and Matt should get better ranks cause they are active soldiers 😀

  30. not longer than me (D)(XD) 19 months -.-

  31. 1. Name on Ranks/Chat Meggis1234

    2. Current Rank Fleet Admiral

    3. Rank you think you should get Lieutenant General

    4. Why Ive been very active lately, although I have been a little nasty to ankita lately and I apologize for that I have the leadership skills one would need for that rank. I may not be the OLDEST ACP, but I have the expeiriance.

  32. 1.name kingjared aka king
    2.well i havent been on the ranks since may
    3.rank you think you sould get ? Lieutenant

    4. im very ative and i have some expeririance i used to lead a small patrol unit on mammoth.i joined in march or feb of this year i have ran in acp top senator and govenor of snow fort.

  33. 1. Name on Ranks/Chat: Kpkrocks1

    2. Current Rank: Luiantant

    3. Rank: you think you should get Captain

    4. Why: I have been a dedicated member who provides the best for acp. I have been in many battles, i have been here for a long time and there are people who are higher that me who have been here for a shorter time, I am very active and i have good leadership skills

  34. Look! WWIII nostalgic stuff! note that i was a noob back then, and none of the stuff i say in the post is quite true. http://cppvideos.blogspot.com/2007/07/final-battle-of-war.html

  35. im mad cause u hired the mod thing right when i got promoted to brigaider

  36. 1. TyloV5

    2. I dont think any!

    3. I think I should get colonel because I have been very active, I’m running for governor, I’ve fought for acp, and I’ve been just as active as some people that are up there (acpwarrior, thebridgett, khalgar1).

    4. I just said why in number 3 (active, running for governor, fought for acp, said its name, went to party yesterday)

  37. 1. 1joe1

    2. none

    3. any rank

    4. because I’ve been in ACP for months now and been to a lot of battles

  38. 1. Name on Ranks/Chat : JLM435 (but on chat its Gideon)

    2. Current Rank :(sergeant) for like the past 3 months!

    3. Rank you think you should get : At least a warrant officer.

    4. Why : Because I have been in ACP for more then 3 and a half months. I feel very abused, since no one ever took a thought about me. 🙁

  39. Complaint Form:

    1. Name on Ranks/Chat: TheBridgett (Bridget on chat)

    2. Current Rank: Colonel

    3. Rank you think you should get: Commodore or Higher

    4. Why: I have always been active with ACP. I joined when ACP FIRST CAME OUT AND WAS the 333 member to join.
    I have proof look at this link:

    Scroll down to Members and than to 333. they spelled my name wrong but it is still me.

    Also I was on Jedis Campaign staff, which means I am dedicated to ACP and want it to succeed greatly. I am always trustworthy and loyal.

    Also why is DJ Krayze a Brigadeir? He left ACP for Ice Warriors.

  40. Rank Complaint form
    1.Name on ranks/chat:Chapa23 (Chapa23 on chat)
    2.Current rank:Corporal
    3.Wanted rank:Lieutenant or higher
    4.Why:The promo day before this promo day when Kg was leader I got promoted to petty officer and as a petty officer I worked really hard.

  41. rank complaint from
    1.current rank sergent
    2.somehow u erased me off the ranks
    3.wanted at least captin on promo day

  42. for that coment above ive been in dosen of conflects for acp and im now off the ranks and i dont have the rank i wanted

  43. Mrgreen10000
    Near Admiral
    i derserve this rank because last month i was active and i still didnt get a rank so this is for that month and this month. I am a good soldier and im active a lot. I am always respectful and a good listener. I derserve this rank!

  44. never mind

  45. i didnt look close


  47. Mrnooner


    Briadiar (don’t know how to spell it)

    It feels like umm I never ever get promoted. as you see , im going to be helping with the ranks that is great and like I said , whenever I am on , ill rank anyone who joins

  48. 1. Name on Ranks/Chat
    2. Current Rank
    3. Rank you think you should get
    Major or Captain
    4. Why
    b/c Ive been to a lot of ACPs wars and fought off a rebellion alone when i was new! and ive been in ACP since Ogals time

  49. oh i was wow555 srry

  50. Complaint Form:

    1. STEV71

    2. Moderator

    3. Commodore

    4. I come on chat everyday and am always looking for a battle to defend ACP and CP. But, when i read the ranks I saw that my name was not on the ranks even though i have been made a moderator. i don’t think its fair that my name was not posted in any of the ranks and i ask that it is put. Thank you.

  51. 1.agent55562
    2.no rank cuz it dissapeard
    3.i think i should be a fleet asmiral
    4.cuz i was one rank way from moderator and
    then my name dissapeard so i think i should go about 2 ranks back cya!!

  52. can I please have a rank

  53. WOOT! So close to Brigadier. I think it sucks that new ranks were added, because I was closer to Brigadier before, but at least the ranks are more realistic. =]

  54. plz can i be an brigader


  55. Please could i get a promotion to Major General or Vice Admiral thanks

  56. Come on you guys never listen or take your time on anything. Ive been in ACP NEARLY 4 months now, and I can’t keep this up if no one understands… I can’t stay without being noticed. And please read my whole post. I’m JLM435. Gideon is my real name. I used to be JLM435, but that name sucked. Was this a misunderstanding or something??? And you even spelled my name wrong on the ranks! Wouldn’t not being promoted be enough? REPEAT, JLM435. I REPEAT, JLM435.

  57. I didnt get a promotion Iv worked very hard

  58. Ok then, obviously my wanted rank is too much so I am aiming for Commodore/Brigaider.

    Will that promote me?

  59. Iberrache gets a promotion

  60. dudes im serious GIVE ME A RANK

  61. 1. Nate950000
    2. Sergeant
    3. Captain
    4. I have been a very active soldier and I have been working very hard to recruit new soldiers.

  62. 1. Ironkid2894
    2. Colonel
    3. Commodore, if i can ill be Bridaiger though
    4. I worked to get an army to support acp and become allies. the army i got to support has backed up acp already several times, including helping shabs campaign towards acp leader.

  63. HELLO!!!? Is anyone listening to us? I thought you as in yourslef and your top leaders were going to update and check this like every day. Well I still do not have a rank. Can someone please read and update the other 20 people who need a promo. or atleast a RANK!!!!!.

    Also bluespeed i thought u quit, I mean it wont be surprising since noone has actually QUIT the ACP in history. But anyways you were saying 19 months but try the beginning of the ACP.

    Shab I know im harsh on you but once again your the same as every other past leader you make promises and then you just cant handle it, either get it right, get more help, or retire. . . nothing new there from ACP leaders. I make this note everytime but noone listens to me.

    I am always ready to help if you want. I am trusted and reliable and will be on EVERY single DAY to update and if im not on one day I will sure be on the next. I promise I wont do anything that will go against you or anyone. I rather help the ACP then be silenced because no listens.

  64. name: blete rank: colonel rank i should get: commodore why: i come on chat everyday and are at almost all the battles. and i have been colonel for about 2 months now

  65. hi guys the rank im now is comdore i got demoted idk but i think i did well any way i was a brig rank i want is stay as brig or go 1 rank up idc if i stay as a brig or get 1 rank up

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