PROMO DAY!!!!!!!!

Jedi thank you for ur idea but plz talk to me before u do it. Idc if im called sir and i dont really like the idea of the Officer thing


The new ranks are out!!!!!!!!!! Before i show them here are a few things u should know

1. There are new names for the ranks

2. Mod rank is higher cuase there is always too many mods on chat (this may change if there rnt enought mods on chat at a time)

3. Promo days r the last day of every month (except this month)

4. Promos are only given outside of promo days if someone high up retired/quits/is fired. Other than that, promos r only given on the last of every month.


5. There is a post under this post for rank complaints. Post there if u didnt get a promo and think u should have or if u were demoted and didnt think u should ahve been

Supreme Commander: Shaboomboom

Co-Leader: Boomer 20,  Jedimaster17 aka Ankita

3rd-In-Command: Abercrombe29


Field Commander: Caiusbrutus, Cooltiger413, Rapidy

Lieutenant General: Nakib, Dr Nono Jr, Jungle

Fleet Admiral: Nodear, Funkmaster Luc, Meggis1234, Blue Speed7

Field Marshal:  Tomtweleve, Clintos007, Capuzzi, Hattrick, Orcacam07

Major General: Chrisdude100, Baloon451, Sheila Gally

Vice Admiral: Arosso13, Speedmobile, Brbocko, Shad Jr, Big P, Saint1994

Brigadier General: Batista1822, Louistania, Penguin47212752, Superhighfly,

Rear Admiral: Borja, Diaa Lofti, Kingcallum1, Orgulan, Trains13, Seanehawk, Shortkid8tee

____________ Mod Line______________________
Brigadier:  Coleslaw7175,  Nyg13, Shnseymor, 123nico26, Knight521, Dj Krayze, Itachi6dark, Jim456, Potatos3, Ctar

Commodore: Braves Z, Yellowguy458, Thebest22, Stg Jor, Orion Player, Islandershky, Jcapp64, Coolguy12348, Coolguy4442, Mamwen, Master Champ, Pete852, Mr Nooner, Mrgreen10000, Klimster,  Coolguy442, noka8, Znozeberry, Mr Random 1, Bammaregera3, Rapid867,  Speedyjason9, Hero12985,

Colonel: Jazz77, Keelord, Midnightmoon, Jayson23, Acacoroth, Alenwen, Lordcody56, Ev 007, Bc435, Jimmyjoecrew, Cccorbally, Blete, Wombat 99, Waddlebox, Zamros, Marineman2, Jet the Hawk, Ironkid2894, Pop, The Bridgett, Wgfv, Acp Warrior, Mcwoffin, Jmmr88, Pengui 202, Cycle22, Rainy,  Abced101,  Potatoes4, Bigguyben, Greenday9991, Blky2300, Bid Now, Seancastle, , Khalgar1, Ktman, matthewmsh1

Major: Crowl38, Csdfbgdhgg, Zdoger, Fiddyy, Takeda95, Annie290632, Joe Trevino, Youkaynine, ThEcArDs, Johanwillfir, 1234jkl, The Apache22, Biokid0, Waddlebox123, Emilylondon, 7 Gameboy 7, Cyrtd10, Beta Robot, Jangopengo, Bfan212, Seancastle

Captain: Cool Foel, Vil Dnan, Lx72, Ephris11, Golaba, Emanuel2567, Zehroy, Shades2you, Rockstar74, Mach1kid2, , Kpkrocks1, Cocoa Bean45, Dxman9, Lsund, Jet Nugget, Gurlkiara, dgff101, SnowyOwl, , Muttant444, Hidude45, Berrygood5,  super24daisy, Snooper1999, jcd484, Willnow, Soccerpr30611, , Alpha 351, Cccorbally, Acatosh, Pengyster48, Thunder562, Drakebell46, Omega39, Racegirl, Rianjr2448, Jackfrost357, Motomike37, howddy yall

Lieutenant: Smartuin, Db Penguin, Ajf77, Ambrosha, Paperman96, Podie99, Deidara48, Jarlo77, Mastha Blak, Jet Nugget, Flarry Jerry, Themouse10, Buffontis, Gurlkiara, Wadler1, Bid Now, , Mach1kid2, Kpkrocks1, Vil Dnan, Dxman9, Bammaregera3, Lsund, Cocoa Bean45, dgff10, Mjoo7, Orange Con, Meowcat1001,Goldfishrocks, zzmasterchf, Dragon 720, Cp Army Dude, Ganandorf787, Deoxys, ,  Ribler, Macopu, Pinata246, Smartuin, Db Penguin, Ajf77, Ambrosha, Paperman96, Podie99, Deidara48, Jarlo77, Mastha Blak, Jet Nugget, Flarry Jerry, Themouse10, Buffontis, Gurlkiara, Wadler1, Bid Now, howddy yall, Crowl38, Csdfbgdhgg, Zdoger, Fiddyy, Takeda95

Warrant Officer: SnowyOwl, Centar, Tone739, Stocic, Slider52 Rnemenja, Crazy Skater, Mod 59, Rocky3030, Danny606, Yankee225, Rlin, Coolster, Woton, Jakecat15, Splotman13, Starscreem 2, Pen122, Kingofty, Buford432, Boarder Peng, 10Marshen10, Scott1796, Wenny123ABC, Luckey007, Supserpieman6, Vetsd, Chewyvice, Aoi3, Wizzy38, Dairy Milk, Sparky6066, Jacobi9, Spike67840, Crazyboy86, Skater Boy Dc(Super Blip), Ennbay, Kobiydoo, Nc735, Aalsdjf Gh, 789kqw, Stratman13, Solraidia, Bailey1217, Sahfah, Paperman96, Goldraider, Snowland202, Fgf78, Rulerguy, Jatar, Lemmy Koopa, Jazz474, Mrsquishy99, Fluffballbob, Cismoy, Sgtpenguin13, Destany64468, Zapper903, Obffbi, Jack98, yddytr, smudge 508, joshzzzzzz99, nine tailed3, penguin38006423, Jacobi9, Pepino03,

Seargent: Dj2372, Zelby477477, Scrlett Boy, Lavafirealex, Fishy492, ChrisZ926, swampdude8, Gobblydude, Mix 1011, Tex9m, Df27, small troubl, tiredan, billy1104, Buster8, the yatter, Satch, Brooky2222, kuro wolf, Superryan96, Pipempoleon, Ale555, Leinheart Pet, Snowandice27, Lot80, Master Ice79, Jimmychao110, Zazazzzzz, Soxpitcher, Shrek5505, Myhead248, Bob Blue3, Bri Bri 16,  Nate950000, JLM 35, pingy415, creamsatin2, littlejon96, Reblue345, kig cold, Mo Mo1357, zumiskater, O Pingu, Cody227,
Specialist: Beckfan77, Slurp N Burp, super24daisy, lupapo, cody227, Purpur5222, Wrath Strife,  jimmychao110, Pudd1e G1um, Fishman 97, crowl38, Melbery, soxpitcher, Myhead248, Nothinbut, Dragon 720, byero, Jea1023, Leinhart Pet, kk9024, money123 432, dalek485, Muttant444, johnyjoe, ice rida1, Elmikey, Fireball Ice, mr mario4, 1luvgreenday, deco539, Slurp N Burp, Beckfan77, Jakey44, Topstar1, Stevebobal, peterjr1, goldekey, Ojohii, Sydney511, rocker6501, nathannj, Micewindo, Caseyboy97, nine tailed, Tholee, Agent Cool Y, wally4531, gray fox 720, Lakerboii51,  Dannywsa1998, Ggoa619, lena98, Commando 2, brentclose, im444, Reonordo, Adlack, kairi1219, TITO987, Djfn, Marusta, Alejack, Dswiz7,
: Touchie, Dimimaster, beakerbill26, pacos315, Blueface9, Red Rocker, Cupcake2930, Pengu1, Icy9566, Mr blubob, Ozzyqualls, Rap 81, Cheruby, Maupi, Santa Elf 10, Coolgirl77289, Freemen777, Doom, 11Steven1, Metalblimp3, Kas130771, Cole779, Plaite, Person1233, Beeky128778, Consor8, , Big Goonie, Candyclou19, Crazy Raybod, Chas3r, Drake70434, Rainyee, Linkdude519, MichealB1996, Gara326, Andy Pat, Tuxfoo, Pinky25, Mrfreeze53, Linkboy95, A N A O 23,  Pepper42401, Flippers 600, Fliper65344, JadenandSy, Dino Yo, Dertyboy5, Wemmington, Pirateking818, Lava1231, Liam Super, Lop89, superpieman6, Blueguy32, ace1315, tman685, Radrobot, Oh Bouy, Lupapo, Purpur5222, Pikallow, Wrath Strife, Mage238, Pudd1e G1um, Fishman 97, Kuro Wolf, Fuzy430, Mock5, Deco539, Mr Mario4, !tem girl927, Autumnwalk1, Samus9000, Johnyjoe, Dalek485, Money123 432, Kk9024, Jea1023, Beyro, Dino Boy7, Sheepman, Ennbay, Pippy212, Geyer17, Fredfredboy, Lilabedjr, Chapa23, Ibarreche, Supersoulja17, Legocity200, Ally190840, Melbery,

Private: Unranked

Noob – Tostipotato


-Author: Headofpolice

-Editor: Rapidy


-Join Page Worker:

-Join Page Worker:

-Join Page Worker: Clintos

40 Responses

  1. 1st!

  2. Don’t forget to look at the ACP advance into Mammoth map: (Add-on to Aka’s original Nacho map).

  3. Im satisfied. Wish that the mod line wasn’t moved up but Im almost there.

  4. thanx for the promo shaboom!!!

  5. 😥 Why wasn’t I given a promotion. I fight, I defend ACPs’ rights and I won’t stand for this! It’s been going on for just too long…

  6. Can I at least be a join page worker? Really….

  7. oh, and on the “warrent officers” you mentioned Jacobi9 twice…. 🙁

  8. I’m a Colonel! thanks guys for the promo. you won’t regret it! 😀

  9. Tex, some advice.

    I know how badly you want to be promoted and all that, but begging and crying is’nt going to get you anywhere.


  10. ….Demoted? I don’t understand…:?:

  11. i didnt get promoted what up? im supposed to be a Birgaider!

  12. Hey I can’t find myself? Am I ever there?

  13. watex warriors rule

  14. Woah Im a Major Now Thanks Shab! Sorry Im Not on Chat But IM Banned Forever. If Owners can unban someone like that please do.

  15. BTW Chinese Democracy Comes Out November 23rd!

  16. sorry for being nasty to you ankita. Hope u can forgive me 🙂

  17. oh phew head isnt co-leader!

  18. i should be on captin

  19. I’m confused. On the post the ranks say I’m captain and on the rank page it’s says I’m colonel. Now I don’t know what rank I am.

  20. Hey JLM435 here. I have been in many wars the last month… And so far I’m still a sergeant, and you actually spelled my name wrong! its not JLM 35 its JLM435. Have you not thought of me as a troop anymore? 🙁

  21. Yay promo day Gavadi from clubpenguin here so I really think its cool because we got promomotions I love it and when is the next war just wanna know acp soilders so
    cya later!



  24. Be Patient Private Foxtails

  25. why didnt I get a promo, I’m at like the same place as I used to be

  26. I DIDNT GET PROMOTED!!!!!!! WHY!?!?!
    NOT FAIR!!!

  27. I’ve been to the wars and i posted on the join page but i still don’t have a rank?

    (ps message to hattrick I Didn’t know you were an author!!!)

  28. fair enough.

  29. yeah shab’s tendency to use improper grammar can drive me crazy sometimes. (although jedi, you misspelled grammar.) having firefox is great because it has spell check. heh heh heh.

    still on break for 6 more days.

  30. Can i please have a rank!!! Im loyal to acp, please respond to this post

  31. WOOT

    IM A Major!!

  32. why didnt i get a promotion

  33. I will offer to do the join page and other pages shab…i got alot of time at the moment so i can update all the pages weekly and if you want every ____ days..!

  34. shab u promoted me to commodore and my rank dissipeared last night

  35. shaboomboom bigp’s rank is ridiculous, he’s commodore now vice admiral?

  36. I don’t get it. Other people are whining that they didn’t get a good enough promo, and I didn’t even get a promo. I’m not whining. So, stop your crying, and deal with it.

  37. shab, i am a modderator and u didnt put me on the list. i dont think thats fair.

  38. Hey! Trains13 is in the ACP! Cool!

  39. 40th comment

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