I stop any confusion . . .

Hey guys, this is Oagal. A few days ago I visited this site (and a few others) to see how the army community, and the ACP in particular, were doing. From what I can see, things are going well, if not a bit stationary.

I am not coming back, but I just thought I’d visit for a little bit, so don’t think I’m the Messiah here to whisk you all away to unhindered prosperity.

As for the elections, I will not say who I am pulling for. But if any of the candidates were to focus on any of these issues, you can know that I will lean towards them in the future:

  1. Taking Mammoth back. I don’t care how vast the ACP’s magnificent empire spans, without Mammoth you have lost your inheritance. Mammoth is where the ACP was conceived and raised; we defended it from the Romans in our earliest stages, and beat tyrants from it in ages to come. Mammoth was the mantle of this army, and without it your porpose can never truly be fulfilled. It doesn’t seem right to let the constant stream of shallow diplomacy and formalities to pry it from your grasp. I want your next leader to take back what was mine, and what is rightfully yours.
  2. Restoring the glorious past. That far off past where armies waged wars just for the hell of it, not caring about the outcome. Yet again the droves of new age diplomacy has pried the ACP away from it’s roots. I remember a distant time when two armies would march proudly onto a single battlefield and give the fight their all before finishing if honor, no matter who won or lost. Neither surrendering a war in a pitiful truce before it begins, nor “practice,” or “fun” wars could ever compare to the way armies used to wage their combat.

These two tasks are all it would take to make the ACP, and every army, for that matter, as great as it was in the past. But your elected leaders cannot do it alone. You soldiers need to change your general mentality. You must stop getting caught up in the moment and doing what seems exciting at the time. Doing what is instantly exciting has led to sever rebellions within the ACP and many other armies. Be loyal.

You must all also be patient. If the new leader makes a mistake or two in the beginning of their reign, who cares? People need a chance to learn leadership; you can expect anyone to take command and do perfectly right away.


EDIT: The ACP has started to retake Mammoth. you can view this battle map (expanded from AKabob’s original map):


(click ^)


On a lighter topic, how are all of you doing? The armies in general seem fine, but how do you all fell things are going? I’ll be on the ACP Chat for a little bit. NOTE: I won’t be an Owner because my hard drive got cleaned, so I have a new IP address, and therefor a new Xat account.


Until later,

March on!

36 Responses

  1. Nice to see you’re checking in. I hope Shab, Jedi, and I can live up to your expectations.

  2. 1st

  3. 2ND!

  4. Oagal, Shaboomboom already won.

  5. Nicely done, but mammoth is way too hard to control. We share it equaly.

    If a leader wants control of Mammoth than it is not a good leader. A leader has to respect the agreements that we make with other armies.

  6. Bridgett, I dont think there was an agreement that was ever made that we all share mammoth. We might have all agreed to fight over mammoth, however.

  7. we need mammoth. NOW.

  8. Isn’t mammoth, like, our historical server or something?
    Oagalthorp: Exactly.

  9. I have a question. I made a new army (tiny tiny tiny tiny army thirty people) and this guy like ran up and he said he was from ACP and he started fighting me. Can you be at piece with my new nation? Its called the JNOCP (junior ninjas of club penguin). Code is black with eyepatch or mask. Anyway, after what ive heard about UMA im going to mammoth (if its not full) and attacking. Anyway, please ally, cause your like the biggest club penguin army ever.
    Oagalthorp: Ask the new leader (it might be Shab), but if it were up to me I’d say yes.

    On the topic of joining your nation, I can’t, sorry.

  10. I won it back
    the Fire Warriors leader was the only one left and so was I so I risked it all in a battle and won leaving us the server Mammoth
    Meggis joined the Fire Warriors I am her buddy and was in a Fire Warriors uniform

  11. Yeah it is, when ACP started it was ours for a long time we should take it back for the pride and glory of ACP.

  12. if not
    than she was spying on them

  13. Dude weve had so many leaders shouldnt we make a history page with lists of leaders?

  14. Welcome back oagle

  15. Shab isn’t leader yet. Jedi never said in a post that she dropped out. Good to see u Oagal. And plus nice post we need something to get us pumped and primed.

  16. You may not remember my army when you left ACP forever, But we hated you. We were NOCP and we hated ACP and you in particular. But I learned something. With the help of ACP we won a war. We were acceptec. Oagle your army was the first to support a noob army like ours Id like to thank you for making this army and appoligise for my attitude for you and yes NOCP is signing a truce with ACP.

  17. u must be kidding right OAGL AND HEADS BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. mammoth had so great wars on it so great ones

  19. Oagal, I agree we NEED to take back mammoth.

    And get things back to the way they should be.

    Awesome Speech btw.


  20. Tylo. There was a agreement that it would remain a shared land.

  21. i loved oagulthorp as leader it was the best!Oagulthorp please come back pretty please!Oagulthorp was the best leader ever! please Oagulthorp be back in ACP!



  24. wait isnt mammoth like the most popular server in cp is that why we are so big.I think we should have a battle for Mammoth.Thats a good idea i think.Cuz fire warroiars are taking over every server omost all the north servers.Thats why we should arrange a battle.

  25. Mammoth is neutral. That’s all there is.

  26. Funny, I am the only “candidate” that I saw, that actually relized the number two “step” in oagals thread. Just further proof of you know where i should be. And oagal hi, you seem to be ignoring me for a very long time.

  27. the night nokas coming home

  28. Ive been over seeing the army situation, and on the ACP side of things it has not been so good considering how past leaders have ran it Oagal. A lot called you a dictator but you look great compared to some of these most recent leaders. Im not saying Shab is but there is certainly a lot of time to see.

    – Commando717

    PS: You never did give me your new email.
    Oagalthorp: Meet me on the chat.

  29. Oagal, It’s good to know that you’re still alive. Anyway, Great post! This army needs some encouragement.Lol 😆 . Anyway, there’s no need to worry about us, we’re doing fine. 😉
    Defend Freedom.
    Fight for Justice.

  30. The Nacho Nation map was mine, not Akabob’s 🙁

  31. […] Oagal made another post on the ACP site(Man, this guy just wont go away!). You can see it here at http://acparmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/2008/10/25/i-stop-any-comfusion/ He says to “Restore the Glorious Past” and to take back Neutral Mammoth. Ya know what […]

  32. ^^^^^why should oagal go away?

  33. I am the Governor of White House (the Nacho Capital) and I would like to say this:

    I do not know if Ogalthorp is aware, but Mammoth is a neutral server. I even have a quote from YOUR website saying so. ” (and) Mammoth is a neutral server, noob armies say that they own it. I also have a quote from section 2. (land) on your ACP nation: YOU SAID YOU OWN MAMMOTH, THAT IT IS YOUR CAPITAL!

    If I was Nacho Leader I would immediately respond to this with war.

    I am not declaring war and we are still very much allies but mammoth is neutral and I don’t want anyone owning it.

  34. Mammoth is neutral, so, sence your invading it, your mostly at war with IW and maybe Nachos….

  35. Oagal u were right when u said this is sucky

  36. Lol, hilarious with the map and all. It’s Person’s map, but thanks for using my islands.

    Hey? What’s this? ACP Embassy in Blizzard? Well, we’ll just have to take care of that, won’t we?

    It’s also hilarious how many nukes ACP has compared to the Nachos.

    Funny how (estimate) much more land we have than ACP though, lol.

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