As of right now, it looks like the ACP will be going to war with the UMA. Why? I’m glad you asked. Here’s how it went down . . .
- On August 9, the ACP desides to take some new servers for their empire.
- Laster that day, the Ice Warriors decide that they will take some of the ACP’s new servers.
- Today, while claiming our servers, the Ice Warriors attacked us.
- Then the UMA, led by Jackfrost, attacked us too.
- Then, the Nachos attacked also, for no reason.
If you were there, you’d find that the UMA started a big war. So, to keep this small scale, the ACP will go to war with the UMA, one-on-one.
In other news, the Nations are going poorly. Too many armies want the same servers. So here is my plan for new army-nations.
There are 109 servers, five pages, and five major armies – ACP, RPF, Nachos, UMA, Ice Warriors. I suggest hat each army gets one page, and a few island servers. If you lead an army and want to claim a chunk of servers, comment here. NOTE: These areas aren’t final, there will be some debating.
ACP – Chunk: Third page | Individual servers: Mammoth, Breeze, Snow Fort, Frozen
Nachos –
Ice Warriors –
Filed under: ACP |
first w00t
oh yea second!!!!!!
The army im in, Club penguin rangers are in the free world but klondike is our capital server. (And only server) I dont think you answered our request to keep it.
aww man third i mean
Oh wait, your not going to invade anymore. Never mind! 🙂
oagal u liar u dont own mammoth and u statred the war
Oagalthorp: A) Obviously I started this war, did you notice the post you are commenting under? As I told Sheila, below, CP wars are for fun and recreation. It’s not like it hurts anyone, unless some ignorant people take it too far, and act like I’m declaring a real war. Oh, and B) the ACP will own Mammoth, after this new nations idea is taken into effect.
I think that the nachos are not going to like this idea!
Oagal Fort has done his part and now we must do ours as soldiers… I’m sorry, but we want you out.
Oagalthorp: Fort has done his part? Fort put the ACP into the position it is now! Because of Fort, the ACP lost ownership of Mammoth. Because of Fort, we had this whole leadership problem between Rapidy and Dr Nono. And because of Fort, many ACP soldiers are acting rebellious, even if they aren’t quite sure why they want me thrown out. The only good thing Fort did was quit after all of this mayhem. And I will quit after I solve all of this mayhem.
Oagal… I’m sorry but I agree with Jungle. Almost everyone wants you out.
Oagalthorp: Like The Jungle N, I’m positive that Fort told you that you want me out. God, you people need some independence!
The Ice Warriors will have Sub Zero’s page, and for our ilands we will have Huskys and Auroroa.
~We Bring Peace~
bye for now,
~ Iceyfeet1234
Instead iw is going to have Huskys page and have Sub Zero and Auroro as ” big islands “.
~We Bring Peace~
bye for now,
~ Iceyfeet1234
Oagalthorp: I’ll write that down.
JUNLGE N i need to talk to you now plz
Ice Warriors will take the 2nd page(Huskys Page) and the servers Sub Zero and Aurora.
~Hillman- Partly Leader of Ice Warriors
some server’s for VCP , Twilight vikigs and Ice Vikings and BVLA about 15 servers
FINALLY! We need to show those pitiful scum of they call an army who is better! We need to gather every acp soldier and send them into one massive organized battle to wipe UMA out of club penguin forever!
oagal please leave
oagalthorp, you retired months ago but you keep making all of our decisions for us. please leave.
Oagalthorp: Sometimes the popular thing to do isn’t really the right thing to do. In the pre-1865 United States, enslaving black people was accepted by more whites, and hence, was the popular thing to do. Was that right? Not at all.
why cant all of the nations get along
of course ACP takes the two best servers mammoth and frozen
we should have a quintble war one for all because of this oyy!!!
u should set a war like ACP vs. Nachos vs. IW vs. RPF vs. UMA. maybe
Oagal I contacted wordpress , and I’ll be sure to keep in touch with them
Ok, I like Acp, but maybe the time of Armies is over. Uma has fallen, Nachos has fallen, WW is dead, so is RPF, maybe we should just move on.
What is the point of owning servers that we can’t even own? I know some of you are too old for CP. Many penguins grades are falling because of this little game called “Fun War”. This is mocking real soliders in iraq. I ask you, look inside yourselfs and say, “Is it really worth it?”
(I’m not retiring, im just making a point!)
Oagalthorp: Club Penguin was created for fun and recreation, and CP wars, server owning etc. are for the exact same thing: Fun and recreation. If you don’t think it’s fun, then leave; no one is stopping you. But the ACP still exists because so many people here still enjoy armies in CP, so we will stay.
P.S. As for “mocking real soliders in iraq,” this does nothing of the sort. One could say Call of Dut 4, or Halo 3 mock real soldiers, but the United States has allowed both of these games to be enjoyed by our soldiers over-seas! In fact, the United States Army was the first group to host a major Halo 3 tournament on Xbob Live!
sheila, nachos have not fallen, RPF might soon, and UMA is just not as big but has loyal soldiers.
y did this army have 2 fall apart?
By ACP this is too much im done and i would like to thank the following people to get this far :
Hoppy Toe
The Jungle N
Boomer20 you were the best yopu were the most truthful honest and friendly I wouldent have Gotten anywhere without you ill miss you the most.
How i got in ACP
I was playing cp and there was wars i was ALWAYS acp and i was a noob then about5 months later i seached it and the website came up and i started going on the chat often and it lead to this
And if you ever want to see me im on nacho chat
Ill miss you all 🙁
~Coleslaw7175 Retired acp legend
i ment the name to be coleslaw7175 XD
who eva started this is a basterd
oagel did
Oagal, my e-mail for wordpress is be sure to add me to the website.
ACP Leader,
the ONLY reason people are quiting ACP is because of you oagalthorp. oagalthorp, you were a great leader at the time but you retired. please leave the ACP. when you retired you were remembered as a great leader but now 9 out of 10 ACP soldiers hate you and want you to leave. i dont hate you but i would like you to leave. you have to get over it Oagal. people are quiting ACP because of your decisions. the ACP wants you to let the ACP be. we know you made the site and that’s fine… you don’t neccecarily have to leave the site just let the ACP be. if you don’t leave the ACP is going to fall and we all know it. You have to get over it oagal… for the sake of the ACP and it’s allies, friends, supporters, ect. please leave the ACP. (this message is talking to oagalthorp)
Oagalthorp: Another ignorant person who only listens to one side of the story.
ninjas will be here soon
Ok the servers listing was all screwed up thanks to the updates. Oh well. Oh yeah I forgot this is gonna be useful for server listing
ACPW(army of the club peguin wiki) ows half pipe and our divisions ACPWTA ACPWRSD ACPWBSD so please have great respect if so please acept being allies were an up and coming small army we need you as an allie please acept
I’m going to start helping ACP. I thought of an idea for conquering servers. Any server you conquer you must share with your allies. If any of your allies attack you they automatically lose their share of the server unless they helped conquer it.
please respond to our peace offer like i said ACPW and its divisions own half pipe and snow globe
i have an army the club penguin crusaders newly established il take any server please just give me one
I am Ktman and lead the army the Club Penguin Rangers. The Club Penguin Rangers would like to have a single server as a captal and a place to host our operations.
Oagal, if you want to be the leader why don’t you try to overthrow the current leader. Ask him to meet you in a certain server and room just you and him no other soldiers. Then you can fight each other and whoever wins gains leadership. Other ACP soldiers can overthrow the leader too. But you may only try overthrowing the leader if you are a co-leader or a general. I’m not in ACP so this is just an idea that the leader can use.
give ACPW half pipe and snow globe
Also if you try overthrowing the leader and lose, you have to wait a week before trying to overthrow him again.
wow I doubt that hunt your the one who tryed to overthrow ACP and you probably notice who I am Im Ryan I think your death on clubpenguin because I said Im ryan a thousand timeS!!!!!! aNd you kept saying a bunch of freeking names moron!! so why the hell would you keep saying a thousand of names!!!!!!!!!! and you would never help ACP I know all your wolve scams your dang beasts!!!!!!! so get a life!
get a life moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you gotta be kidding me you just want them to fight to death and die! so I know all of your dang scams so go I think Acp is gonna come and kick your ass!!!!!!!!!!
you will see moron~!!!
oh and I want ti have breeze and dont ever take over parka!
wat you got on that hunt!
delete gangers comments they are spam
Lol in response to Hunt90286. Oagal beating up Rapidy lol funny.
ACP will always be strong and can i wear orange and ogalthorp please stay
hello acp
isn’t that ANTA’s job? Where is Shadow? Mr. president of ANTA? and Both Oagal and Fort are retired, they chose to quit and they should both leave. If they want to rejoin, I say start at the bottom. and if neither people get leadership, I vote jedimaster17 because she is always on and is very active
hunt you will see the power of my army when they became strong
daisy I would shut up if I were you You dont know who your messing with hunt is evil
Ok i gave this alot of thought and Im almost back. Its just that I dont wanna go in chat, not have a rank, and just be a helping hand. You can give me a rank if you want. Im sure this is big news for all of you.
oagal u retired and now ur making everyone leave cause of ur decisions! please leave ur not the leader! most of the acp wants u to leave! u can still b in the chats and all but rapidy should make the decisions cause he is leader! we know its ur site but u retired and ur not leader anymore ok got it?
i need a rank and my mom might not want me on the chat
leave oagal alone hes able to stay and comment i know he is a great user visit the club penguin wiki
You know we should really get rid of xat chat. If we all pitch in we could make chat apart of club penguin!!!!!!!!!! Kinda like Runescape’s clan chats! First of all someone starts a chat room and names it. And stays in club penguin’s chat room archive if they make one. Then You go to a button that says choose chat room and then it gives you a list of some. Choose Acp and you are on. Well the bad stuff would be that there may be no moderator ranks but there would be a owner one. And no cussing. Well Im sure its an awesome idea! Please email them!
you see i came up with the idea because i cant go on xat chat anymore.
i missed it!!!!!!!
oagal. I liked you better when you were a hero. Your turning into a jerk. Dr nono jr deserves the spot NOW GIVE IT TO HIM.
same, jlm435
Ganger i quit the wolves in June. And besides the wolves are no threat to ACP or pretty much any other army.
Hmmm umm uma will take mukluk matterhorn marshmellow and mittens seen as they are ours anyway 🙂 and we dont need you to tell us that
I’ll help any army that isn’t evil.
shelia gally gots a point ITS JSUT A GAME if we lsoe mammoth nothing A GAME stop acting like its the end of the world if we lose something or ever thing if crime goes on the psa will do it they had to do it be for acp
sheila nachos uma and rpf havent falling there still up and running
guys stop making nations ITS A GAME just let people do what they want little robbers are nothing and gans to bad the psa can handle this come on people GAN AND ROBBERS ARE JSUT NOOBS looking for some annoying things to do
one last thing the people that own the shivers are the cp suport and the owners of cp AND also if you could own a shiver what would you do with it all you would do is let peopel go on it and thats it
yes shelia is right, we are just mocking the soldiers in Iraq and u aint president bush
and besides all armies should take like a week off because the olympics are on and i like swimming
very much and USA to beat other countries 
I like the nations idea, but not the war idea…
fort my friend trylltur told me u took over two roman servers iceburg and iceland these have been our servers for a very long time and well gladly share these servers with acp equaly
i wont except no for answer or a landgrant
ps oagal this isnt ur army anymore its forts hes leader if u want to be leader still mabey u shouldnt of retired
You guys should just stop fighting! You are just making this worse! ACP soldiers are all quiting here and there and its alll because of you two. Stop fighting. Your tearing ACP apart. I bet UMA is planning to destroty ACP right now. You guys certanly dont deserve to be in charge. Tomtwelve TomY and Nono arent even arguing.
ok so i think i speak for most ppl when we say we want oagal out sure he WAS a great leader but ur time is now gone and plz we honor your support but enough is enough we dont want random wars
But Rapidy is still leader right?
Noka it’s not just a game. THIS IS CLUB PENGUIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
… no duh!
we do not mock the soldiers in iraq… we’re not going on club penguin and shooting REAL guns at REAL terrorists, it’s just for fun. if you say this is mocking soldiers in iraq, then playing COD1-3 is mocking WWII veterans. (which it’s not) we do not mock soldiers in iraq. i am meat and i support our troops.
nachos are recruiting in mittens!
this is my new name ya bro
Cõrvêttê 360
No srsly, DO NOT DENY
ITS A GAME LET PEOPEL DO WAhT THEY WANT IF the game falls to people cp takes it off WELL TO BAD
the rockhopper raiders would like to have the servers down under and beanie.
Yah all those Call of Duty games are awesome.
Those Nachos are a skidmark on the underpants of Club Penguin. When they’re losing they say stuff like “WE R UR ALLIES!! Y R U ATTACKING US??!!?” but when we’re losing and outnumbered and actually need help, they attack us for no reason.
We should have a full-fledged war with those Nachos. Seriously.
Yah and also, if we fight the UMA there will almost definitely be Nachos there, probably being even larger than the UMA who we’re supposed to fight.
Those ******* nachos even attacked us when they were actually our allies in the Fever Fighters war. Huh?
Woah woah woah… This must be a mistake because I know for sure Aka didn’t tell any of our troops to attack. And I sure as hell didn’t. So leave the Nachos out of this for now…
And seriously, The Nachos aren’t falling… You guys might think they are but we aren’t.
And for the people say that we are scum, Screw you because we aren’t.
And Shiela, UMA,RPF And Nachos haven’t fallen… ACP is not the only major army standing…
Everyone who plays club penguin is a noob. Thats why they all attacked.
WW has risen from the ashes and is already more numerous than RPF.
join them at:
and ACP, the organized land would take the fun out of CP armies; it would crush the small armies and some of the big armies (like WW). we all joined an army to have fun snowball fighting, and eventually leaders would be forced to invade other servers, therefore being attacked by all other armies for violating ACP’s law. in this way, all the CP armies would be destroyes save for one.
strike hard, strike fast~dracoblazer
A rule says ‘ If your army was created in a particular server , that server can be yours as well as the others who own it ‘ , so the army I made , the Moose Warriors , have mammoth and share it with others .
LOL Nachos always attack ACP ROFLMFAO
what the hell im part leader at IW if u wanna join great and if anything u cant take the usa servers i think should have a war five armies against each last one standing
sk my dik y are we argueing over servers? watever we claim is already ours
my tour army owns flippers why do you need the severs to own club penguin i bet it is
bye the way WW and FF owns flippers
this is chaos!
Oagal, I admire your service to ACP and you have served it well, but its time for you to go. Let fort handle ACP now, your used to be friends are now calling for your head! Do the right thing not for you, but for ACP.
Uhm fort isnt the leader anymore he quit too.
Hah you fools the leaders are aregueing amongst themselves same with acp soldiers.Acp is a crumbling empire they will collapse under themselves.Run away soldiers before you get caught in the madness.Go join another army simply put
hi im mowloft im from the cpa club penguin admirals i wanna quit that and join you guys plz respond at thx bye
Hunt your lying five days ago you were trying to track down ACP and end the ACP Alliance thanksfly I was there to kick your ass!!
this $hit gotta stop with you hunt All your doing is trying to steal All of the ACP plans and where they go for you can bring all of the wolves to fight us to oblivion so just stop BEFORE I kick your ass again!
theapache22 i agree with you but fort retired, and rapidy is leader.
Thanks for giving those servers to cpaf, we appreciate it
Well one server to CPAF but thanks
Yeah exactly if Oagal or Fort dont have the power , either TomY chooses or the people choose
umm… no
I mean if for instance ( no offense TomY ) lets just say Tom picks someone the people dont like , ACP will just get ruined and everyone will quit
No Rapidy does he is the leader
seanehawk nice work yesterday tracking down the nachos. Thanks to me lol
Wait Oagal says Rapidy , Fort said Drnonojr .
So the ppl choose
The people preffer Fort to Oagal – so what happens ?
also Ogal has all the power he needs
HENCE this is his site which he could delete at any time and crush ACP under his cyber foot.
mowloft cpa is club penguin army u noob
rpf already has whool sock, snowfall, frostbite, tuxedo, tundra, thermal, vanilla, tobaggon, walrus, summit, white out, wind chill, south pole, winter land, yeti, yukon, snow shoe, snow plow, and snowy river. these are rpf servers got a problem with it do a comment on the rpf website.
well actually anonymous, if oagal deleted the site we could always just make a new one…
Oagalthorp, I’m sure you are already aware that there is a rebellion to have you removed. I find the rebellion in the wrong, so I will be siding with you in the possible upcoming civil war.
OOHH IM SSOOOO SRRY FORT, OAGALTHORP AND TOMY AND EVRYONE ELSE I HAV VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY BAD NEWS.NACHOS AND IW HAV TOOKIN MAMMOTH OUR CAPTIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁 I tried……really….sgt Superhighfly and me were there and superhighfly wore the IW UNIFORM!!!!!:O Well that was after we lost it and i am taking a break! plez forgive me i did a last stand! and even that was not enough…. srry acp i let u down…shame on me.:(
OK since order 67 acp has been taking over servers that are not even ours those servers BELONG TO CP FLYERS rpf and ice warriors and nachos uma cpr u guys need to stop taking over other armies servers!
i agree with jungle
Kylecease yr the STUPIDEST person EVA ON EARTH YR THE BIGGEST NOOB IVE SEEN U R#$%@* geezz get a life
oagalthorp, i had a poll to see if people wanted you removed, 17 people voted yes you should leave 3 people voted you should stay. please leave the ACP. you have screwed with it enough since you have retired. When you retired you were remembered as a hero, but you keep making all of the decisions for the leaders, even though you retired. If you don’t leave the ACP is going to fall. some of my friends have already quit because of your choices. you retired months ago. Mazachster, technically oagalthorp retired, meaning he is not even in the ACP anymore. If a marine corporal retired from the US marines, he would NOT be part of the marines anymore. oagalthorp for the Sake of the ACP… please leave the ACP. you don’t have to be removed from site if you don’t want to. possiblly you can post different things on the site. (ex: CP updates)
This rebellion is to have oagalthorp removed is only for the good of ACP and it’s friends. the “semi-retired” thing i’m guessing is an exscuse to stay in the ACP.
1) the side of the website says About Oagalthorp (RETIRED ACP Leader)
2) you are not anywhere on the ranks
oagal, you were a great leader back in the early days of ACP and i thank you for creating it but it’s time for you to leave now, like the old US presidents. The rebellion is not against ACP it is For ACP.
-loyal ACP brigadier, seanehawk
Seane, yes he PARTIALLY retired. As you can see his coming back represents that he is still partially in command of his army. He’s not stealing from you, so I suggest you do not steal from him.
Hey oagalthorp, u were a great leader in battles and other stuff and if yr 14 or 15 so? People r tired of u oagal but im on yr side…then again maybe im not i think u should…. well.. if yr still wanting to fight in battles then a new begining a fresh start would be good
i mean like a NEW army
partially retired. O_o there was never anything mentioning about “partially” retired. 80% of ACP want oagal gone. oagalthorp, at least stop making wars please.
oagalthorp i respected you, when you were ACP leader, but the time has come for you to leave. ACP leaders want you out, and want you out now. you choose who you want to lead this army (rapidy ) now rapidy can lead the ACP now, not you.
anyways i may quit and form ACPR (Army of ClubPenguin Rebels)cause im a veteran and……well i think its time for acp to be a lost army in clubpenguin like: a small force of five to 10 troops not like 20 or 50 because if we r small and hav small forces we will gain respect from bigger powerfull races also,acp has been around for like 5-4 years? people get bored and quit cause evryday its fighting fighting fighting for like 5 4 3 hours in that time i could earn 20,000 coins on puffleroundup plus i could get more stuff like a new igloo and furniture and what hav u.Btw I mite form acpr i did not say i will TRUST me Spiff313
i may quit around novemeber or NEXT summer it depends i hav a hobby called Warhammer 40,000
and now im 11 soooo i may start a blog or other fun stuff but clubpenguin rules and so does acp
fight on!
Veteran warrior Spiff 😀
seane shut up u dont know wat u r talking about u clearly didnt know anything about the Dr Nono Jr and rapidy thing and now u just dont know about how to be nice to ogal if it wasnt for him ACP might never have come to be!
Seanehawk = NOOB!
this is really fuc*ed up
What is the name of ananymous’ penguin? does ANYONE know?
this is going to lead to a war and when we lose
The owner of the site can track down his email and tell
Im talking about anonumus
my guess is he’s ACP warrior.
p.s. i’m not a noob. my penguin is 623 days old and im an ACP brigadier.
hey. this is me saying that i might want to come back, if i can get in enough computer time. so, i hope you accept me again…;)
SHUT UP OAGAL! your still acting like its your army! well it isnt. its dr nonos army! hes leader, u cant go making wars with ppl. thats dr nonos job!
Ok it is time to demolish ACP for good!!!!! We will not share our land we fight for freedom and who owns so ACP you have to get on the right track or every army will go into WW5 and you dont want that to happen cuse ACP will be demolished for good so if you take another step forward then you will be demolished!
actually isnt it Rapidys army
i think it is noka 8
my answer is ” i think your forgetting about ALL the minor armies. You can’t take their servers.
You may be thinking ” it’s not like YOUR acp.
Well i am I’m Blky2300 and an acp lieutenant so that means anyone below i lieutenant must follow higher ranks rulles… ny rule is NO MORE TAKING MINOR ARMIES SERVERS!
unlesss it’s an invade
yea im torches we kick ur but everyday all ur men are like retreat ahhhhh im so scared and then bunnies they just suck
I lead an army called Red Raiders. The only server that is ours and that we need is Sabertooth. You can do whatever you want with the rest of the servers. Also Im in UMA so this means I’ll have to go to war with you guys…
we won Oce Ice Palace
we won Ice Palace
Im startin to realy hate these Anonymous guys why not tell us who u are? Are u afraid everyone will start shoutin’ at u?
SPK owns outback, that is all.
Though I sort of think that splitting up the servers by page is dumb, that stops any army from dominating and invading a bunch before anyone else can even try to snatch up land. It would be just handing servers to armies that haven’t yet earned them.
LOL Ganger you think you kicked my ass. You’re the one with all the big talk. And for the last time I quit the Wolves. I’m not part of any armies. I’ll help any good army that wants help but I won’t join.
And Ganger, I’m getting tired of your ass. Meet me on Walrus so I can kick it.
Yah … why’d I come up with that server hopping idea?
Ganger come to Snowy River not Walrus. The Wolves moved to that server.
isn’t that ANTA’s job? Where is Shadow? Mr. president of ANTA? and Both Oagal and Fort are retired, they chose to quit and they should both leave. If they want to rejoin, I say start at the bottom. and if neither people get leadership, I vote jedimaster17 because she is always on and is very active.
Thanks drwolf I really appreciate it. I’m not the most experienced however.
I’m stupid.
P.S. I like tater tots.
You noob he didnt promote me ugggggggggggghhhh too many noobs !!!
Hello ACP my name is Braveheart, and I am the the leader of a brand new army called the United Penguin Coalition, In the new nations starting out we want only 2 SERVERS. Thats right only 2 SERVERS. Outback and Alaska, however we do realize that alaska is a populos server and gladly take a lower populated server instead. We are also interested in an alliance, we may sound like just another stupid small army but there is a new era of armies coming, a new generation, and the UCP is going to be one of those powerful armies. Due to technical issues our site is currently down, once it is back up I will post the link here. Thanks for listening and please give us the servers and consider an alliance.
Thank You,
Braveheart President of the United Penguin Coalition
my army has the servers bobsled,chinook,kocuikco,caribou
my army is paa can u be my allies
my army server is sub-zero
U NEVER GUESS WHAT I DID GUYS SHALL I TELL U! *eivil smile) : i went on nacho chat and told the guys about what happened then i whent on iw chat and told them what happened then uma chat and did the same thing that happened Then i went to rpf chat and told the same thing (:< SOME DAY ILL TEACH THEM A LESSON THEY WILL NEVER FORGET MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.
red group (my group) took theses servers : blizzard husky snow globe snowfall snow fort snow day flippers and iceicle
Red Assaissins get Husky or well start a world war.
Its our home surver and whoever dares say otherwise will find that its been taken 32TIMES!