Welcome to the official Army of Club Penguin! Established September 29th, 2006, we have been the largest and best Club Penguin community since. Enlist today and start your journey!
Ok, since I can comment on acp’ site now, time ot let off some steam >:) .
Ogal, you PIECE! This aint your army anymore, you quit, you retired, you have no place in this army anymore. In fact, acp was WAY more respected after you left ( ba ba ba BURN ). So before I really start swearing, I suggest you LEAVE.
What the hell Fort? Let me first point out that I made this website, and I made the ACP. It was my decision to choose the ACP leader, and I did just that. Then you appointed Dr Nono as the leader, which is not fair at all to Rapidy, who deserves that rank far more.
As you read this, I am contacting the WordPress support team and just about nay authority on this matter I can find. I am even willing to contact the FBI, because what you did is, arguably, illegal.
So I reccomend you move on, right after you make me an Admin back on my website.
you tell him fort and oagal you are retired but at the moment it seems that ytou r not and that you want to become leader of acp again and once you have decided who your leader is he will still not be the true leader as he will still have to answer to you oagal. Anyways I will stick with you fort and not the evil oagal.
Clintos: Same thing, and still illegal, since I made this site.
Tidle Fin: It’s my site, no matter who the current ACP leader is.
Clintos (again): Stop biassing people. (I’d be surprised if you knew what “bias” means, so I’ll tell you. In this context, it basically means you didn’t tell anyone the full story, and thus it is now an unfair, corrupted poll.)
Soccergal: A) Fort isn’t the leader, and B) when he was, he sucked. He was fine at first, but when he stopped caring, he sucked.
Oagal, I’m sorry sir, but you being too controlling. First of all , you siad you RETIRED. Meaning you would transfer control of this army and site to the new leader. Fort was the leader. Fort choose Dr.Nono Jr to be leader. You choose rapidly. As ar as I’m concerened I’d be happy with either one of them but… you said this was democratic. I suggest a poll.
In my opinion, past leaders should be removed because they aren’t even in the army that they mess with. If they retired they shouldn’t still be allowed to lead when they feel like it and escape the pressures of everyday leadership.
yea fort was alwys a bad leader goes to war with small armys its almost impossible to crush the acp
first you need a way bigger army then acp you need losts a very good men and you need to win every battle and take over every thing but that will never happen
it is 100% oagals army, the army has not changed one bit yous ay it was his army and now its not, but he freakin made the army! there isnt anything possible thing anyone can do to deny that. Wether you think fort is a good leader or not its oagals army period.
yeah…..im going with oagalthorp on this. Oagalthorp “made” the site and “made” the ACP. So really it is oagal’s job to pick the new leader because even though fort “WAS” leader (and he “QUIT” the acp so its defentily not his job) he isnt the real creater. And Oagal “RETIRED” he did not “QUIT” like fort did. Making Oagal the main person of the army and everything based on this army. So all of you people thinking all of what Oagal is doing, shut the f*ck up!!! I guess you people can’t read right so here, I’ll explain it so that ANYBODY can read.
First of all, Oagal made this site and the ACP. He is the creater of the site in which makes him the “MAIN” administer of the ACP site. Same thing with the chatbox.
Second, Oagal only “RETIRED” so he wouldn’t be on Club Penguin. He said he will be on the ACP site and chat. If you did not know this, read the post in May or March on his final post on his retirement.
Third, Oagalthorp kept us busy with wars, battles, meetings, even practice battles. When Fort became leader he did not have practice battles, meetings, and the only wars he made were noob wars. (WWIV and those other wars Oagal made because we were so unactive).
Now Fort quit because he did not have the ability to be leader. And do you want a 2-3 month quitting leader pick the leader? Fort did not think this over and yet Oagal did but it took a while. Yet, Rapidy would make a great leader. Probably better the Fort. So if you guys are taking Forts side and other Oagalthorp haters, you must all be on crack because Oagalthorp “MADE” the ACP the number one army in Club Penguin. So yeah, I think I made my point.
fort owns acp oagal who are you brett farve you retired from acp leader leavin fort as leader which i dont think was smart but let it go no offence fort most of the things are smart that you do
Here is a prime example of argueing amongst the leaders.Like i said before the acp empire is crumbling under itself.It will collapse and i suggjest you soldiers get out before you get caught in it.Go join another army the acp are about to collapse!!
ok you guys should stop being ass holes and stop arguing! i’m not even in your army and i feel sorry for u because people are quiting your army while u argue. u should disband, u already are the most hated people on cp.
YOU FREAKIN RETIRED, leave ACP apparently you will never come back but guess what you came back. Rapidy or Nono or actually anybody will do a better job then you as leader, and ofcourse we all know that you really didnt “retire” youll be back. Seeming as ACP is your entire life
o and i was talking about fort in the post above, definetly not oagal its true oagal “retired” but he came back when in need to win the war in which we lacked leadership.
lol im not goin to try to get in this but i read the wordpress rules if you have made some1 and adaim and they remove you it is not wordpresses fault if i was oagal i would not of made an adaim cuz once i made an adaimm once and i got removed wordpress told me it is not there problam it was myn so i had to quit it
1st comment!
Yikes. Harsh.
its true sheila. but 4 me, if rapidy is leadetr my acp career is over. 🙁
4th comment! ok i think yall should have a poll.
1. Oagals Army
2. Forts army
say Oagal if ya think its oagal’s
say fort if ya think its Fort’s
No Its not my army, I’m gone from it, I ws just saying that Oagal needs to move on, and let ACP be ACP. As far as I know its Nono’s and Rapidy’s Army.
nicely done fort
join and be a high rank
Eh, I’m staying out of this..
meh too
i agree with fort
Haha show ogal who is da BOSS!!
Ok, since I can comment on acp’ site now, time ot let off some steam >:) .
Ogal, you PIECE! This aint your army anymore, you quit, you retired, you have no place in this army anymore. In fact, acp was WAY more respected after you left ( ba ba ba BURN ). So before I really start swearing, I suggest you LEAVE.
What the hell Fort? Let me first point out that I made this website, and I made the ACP. It was my decision to choose the ACP leader, and I did just that. Then you appointed Dr Nono as the leader, which is not fair at all to Rapidy, who deserves that rank far more.
As you read this, I am contacting the WordPress support team and just about nay authority on this matter I can find. I am even willing to contact the FBI, because what you did is, arguably, illegal.
So I reccomend you move on, right after you make me an Admin back on my website.
For the time being, I made a little poll for all of you to participate in. http://www.luckypolls.com/index.php?act=08&id=13667
you tell him fort and oagal you are retired but at the moment it seems that ytou r not and that you want to become leader of acp again and once you have decided who your leader is he will still not be the true leader as he will still have to answer to you oagal. Anyways I will stick with you fort and not the evil oagal.
also nice work fort hacking oagal and oagal don’t cry about you getting hacked and don’t make lies about gettin the fbi what a joke
he didnt hack him buddy he un admined him thats all
Dude didn’t YOU pass this on to Fort?
Come on, you quit, so you have no power in the acp.
vote NO on this poll everyone!
oagal lay off
oagal fort is a good leader
Clintos: Same thing, and still illegal, since I made this site.
Tidle Fin: It’s my site, no matter who the current ACP leader is.
Clintos (again): Stop biassing people. (I’d be surprised if you knew what “bias” means, so I’ll tell you. In this context, it basically means you didn’t tell anyone the full story, and thus it is now an unfair, corrupted poll.)
Soccergal: A) Fort isn’t the leader, and B) when he was, he sucked. He was fine at first, but when he stopped caring, he sucked.
Oagal, I’m sorry sir, but you being too controlling. First of all , you siad you RETIRED. Meaning you would transfer control of this army and site to the new leader. Fort was the leader. Fort choose Dr.Nono Jr to be leader. You choose rapidly. As ar as I’m concerened I’d be happy with either one of them but… you said this was democratic. I suggest a poll.
I know hes not the leader leader, but hes close to it! Anyway im getting out of this.
In my opinion, past leaders should be removed because they aren’t even in the army that they mess with. If they retired they shouldn’t still be allowed to lead when they feel like it and escape the pressures of everyday leadership.
owned and pawned by oagal. yikes 😕 😀
fort you will like this chat http://xat.com/web_gear/chat/go_large.php?id=35807652 and oagal y do like picking fights
😮 😀 thank you fort oagal is finally gone!!!!!!!
Yay Rapidy is leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this still is ogals site and if u anger him ACP could be gone with this site
yea fort was alwys a bad leader goes to war with small armys its almost impossible to crush the acp
first you need a way bigger army then acp you need losts a very good men and you need to win every battle and take over every thing but that will never happen
ps call the FBI
it is 100% oagals army, the army has not changed one bit yous ay it was his army and now its not, but he freakin made the army! there isnt anything possible thing anyone can do to deny that. Wether you think fort is a good leader or not its oagals army period.
Hi Tidle. You need to post on the snowflake times….It’s SheilaGally.com now…
I’m staying out of this 😳
i think oagal should still be able to take control of which leader to choose retired or not its his website
yeah…..im going with oagalthorp on this. Oagalthorp “made” the site and “made” the ACP. So really it is oagal’s job to pick the new leader because even though fort “WAS” leader (and he “QUIT” the acp so its defentily not his job) he isnt the real creater. And Oagal “RETIRED” he did not “QUIT” like fort did. Making Oagal the main person of the army and everything based on this army. So all of you people thinking all of what Oagal is doing, shut the f*ck up!!! I guess you people can’t read right so here, I’ll explain it so that ANYBODY can read.
First of all, Oagal made this site and the ACP. He is the creater of the site in which makes him the “MAIN” administer of the ACP site. Same thing with the chatbox.
Second, Oagal only “RETIRED” so he wouldn’t be on Club Penguin. He said he will be on the ACP site and chat. If you did not know this, read the post in May or March on his final post on his retirement.
Third, Oagalthorp kept us busy with wars, battles, meetings, even practice battles. When Fort became leader he did not have practice battles, meetings, and the only wars he made were noob wars. (WWIV and those other wars Oagal made because we were so unactive).
Now Fort quit because he did not have the ability to be leader. And do you want a 2-3 month quitting leader pick the leader? Fort did not think this over and yet Oagal did but it took a while. Yet, Rapidy would make a great leader. Probably better the Fort. So if you guys are taking Forts side and other Oagalthorp haters, you must all be on crack because Oagalthorp “MADE” the ACP the number one army in Club Penguin. So yeah, I think I made my point.
fort owns acp oagal who are you brett farve you retired from acp leader leavin fort as leader which i dont think was smart but let it go no offence fort most of the things are smart that you do
Ugh. Well I guess some people still can’t read right.
Oagal If Google Got an New owner who’s site would it be not yours or the guy that made it xD
yup i quit acp im only in acp if rrapidy not leader.
what do you people got against rapidy make up your mind and the wolfs dont have a leader and there a good army.
o and tomy is next in line maybe even head but i think rapidy has a few more years until leader
Here is a prime example of argueing amongst the leaders.Like i said before the acp empire is crumbling under itself.It will collapse and i suggjest you soldiers get out before you get caught in it.Go join another army the acp are about to collapse!!
ok you guys should stop being ass holes and stop arguing! i’m not even in your army and i feel sorry for u because people are quiting your army while u argue. u should disband, u already are the most hated people on cp.
YOU FREAKIN RETIRED, leave ACP apparently you will never come back but guess what you came back. Rapidy or Nono or actually anybody will do a better job then you as leader, and ofcourse we all know that you really didnt “retire” youll be back. Seeming as ACP is your entire life
let me just say this…….U GOT PWNED
o and i was talking about fort in the post above, definetly not oagal its true oagal “retired” but he came back when in need to win the war in which we lacked leadership.
guys tomy is next in line for leader
lol im not goin to try to get in this but i read the wordpress rules if you have made some1 and adaim and they remove you it is not wordpresses fault if i was oagal i would not of made an adaim cuz once i made an adaimm once and i got removed wordpress told me it is not there problam it was myn so i had to quit it