Hi guys,
From Satuday to today, My wordpress,Clubpenguin,Photobucket and more got hacked… The person that hacked it was
That evil selfish backstabbing moron, Went on clubpenguin doing bad stuff, WROTE POSTS THAT I DIDNT EVEN WRITE AND UPLOADED PICTURES………….!!!!!
So im sorry if he said anything to you or something like that. To make it up, Im doing a competition!!!
This competition is an art competition. Its going to be an edit of clubpenguin and stuff.. But i want you people to draw something based on Party Style!
Winners will be announced on Friday 1st August
Remember.. You can edit you can do everything you can! You MUST do it on clubpenguin but edited.
1st Place – 100,000 coins
2nd place – 40,000 coins
3rd place – 10,000 coins
Here is an example that TomY made:
This applies to ACP only. Also if you win you must be able to give me your penguin and pass.
Good Luck!
Filed under: ACP |
CoverUp… cough….
Headofpolice: Whatever luc
TomY wins
head can i ask you something
Head: Sure!
http://36mikesfbi.wordpress.com/ please join
No Offense Head but I have to agree with Luc
ok head im sorry i was mean about the saint thing i just got so mad i could not stand it cuz she blocked my chat head
and head tell fort i ownt be on chat much tell fort i can have a rank any ways
i dont want to enter
i was wounder if this could be a acp song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bVMiWPB9Wo
heres mine, http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/3088/editbz3.png I know iam probly wont win but its worth a shot. If I do win e-mail me at guesswhen34@aol.com
-penquin jim
i’ll start working on mine.
Cool! Awesome contest!
That sux that your bro did that!
March on!
how did your brother get your password? you should change it to something that is harder to guess.
I’m Agreeing with Luc, even if he has a cold from the Cough XD
Well, I belive you head.
He probably got his password, because its saved.
Head: Actually… I keep them in my journal for safe keeping AND i keep them on computer as saved passwords.
No offense, but it’s kind of ironic how Head reveals it’s his bro after all this mess happened. Like Luc said. Fake…cough…..Trying to get attention…cough….
COUGH your all retarded COUGH you think you know head but you dont COUGH just stop acting like 3 year olds because your egos still smart from when head pwned you all and became 3rd in command. COUGH
can you do 2? and can one be animated? because im using my barney one and something else…
._. That was dumb, no offense Balloon. x]
How was it dumb? I had a coughing fit well trying to make a point. Also if your going to pass judgment on someones veiws you should have good reasons. your reasons are your own.
Head Said, (or it was his bro :roll:) “All the Lower Ranks Love me and all the Higher Ranks Hate me.” It’s true because the Lower Ranks are the newer people and the Higher ranks have, for the most part been around more then Head. Then head comes in and takes their Authority away. Nu-uh, It’s not gonna work like that. Which is a reason why Maz Quit. If Head wants a High authority, he make his own army that people that like him can join. Us Big guys aren’t leaving because this is like our home.
No way I’d give you my pass. If I did youd probly ban it!
Shut up, Balloon. The only reason Head is a higher rank than me and Lucario is because he has been in ACP longer than me. And because Luc took a hiatus from ACP. That’s why. So..cough…So shut ur mouth and watch wat u say before u wanna be big time.
I HAVE BEEN IN ACP LONGER THAN HEAD! I joined ACP at the height of WWIII. U don’t believe me ask Oagal
I am not trying to be “big time”.
Just defending a friend from jerks who bring up the past when head wants to move forward. 🙄
And rapidy, obvously fort and TomY think head does deserves that authority.
Ummm…. I’m not sure about giving out my password… :s (Head please reply!!!)
I’ll enter though, if I know my password will be safe
Its one of mine
What’s with the coughing???
By the way , I found out how to nub now.It is quite easy.You just click the restore down button ( in between minimize and close ) , then click on the bottom to nub.
I found out by clicking Penguin Jim’s pic and I minimized it , so it looked just like CP when u minimize it
I think I’ll start mine now.
can allies of acp enter cause i could use the coins because the BVLA are allies with u well cya
Head, ur brother is a f***ing son of a fat bit**
that’s head’s parents you’re talking about coolpeng… they came from the same people
heres my entry
http://i26.tinypic.com/2jakpr4.png 😛
That latest post tells me you havent changed at all head, I thought you were worthy of command until this little scandal here, if anyones making a petition to get rid of head ill sign it.
i need more people to visit blog