What Does ACP Mean To You?

BLIZZARD, Shamrock Bulletin Headquarters – Recently the Army of Club Penguin celebrated the much anticipated 18th anniversary, and with it lots of love and joy was spread around the community and it encapsulated really a massive aspect that makes ACP live on; Family. It brings a question to the community, what does ACP mean to you?

What Does ACP Mean To You?

The question doesn’t really fall in a definition aspect but rather what ACP means to you on a deep aspect. For many, it means an escape, a place where you can go and find peace and visit your friends and talk and generally have a good time with jokes and banter around. It’s a common answer for many and with a good reason. In a world where today’s problems for a lot of people it leave no hope, ACP serves as a pullback from all the crazy things happening in the world. A place where some find comforting or some find as a place to find laughter or love for one another. For me, it’s something we all get to take pride and honor in, a place we all build and celebrate together, a safe place where we get to have fun without the worry of anything.

Throughout the years, the ACP community often noticed a surge in old members/veterans returning to the community depending on the era or the status of the army. However, it is no coincidence when they see the once-called home feel like home again it gives the feeling and the magic that made them remain in the first place. The Army of Club Penguin is an 18-year-old army yet we all somehow find our way back into this interesting place no matter what. Is it really a coincidence, or is there more to this community than meets the eye?

The motto itself says it: Green Together, Family Forever. What makes ACP feel so special is that we all share the highs and the lows together, when you feel down the other makes sure you feel better, the tons of activities and games and the countless funny and exciting events we get to enjoy together, and most importantly the long-running family we all get to be apart of.

We asked the ACP community a brief question: What Does ACP Mean To You? We managed to collect a total of 34 responses! Let’s take a look:

Question: What Does ACP Mean To You?

19th, 21st, and 27th Leader of the ACP, ACP Guardian Emeritus, ACPTR Leader, ACPTR Legend, DRACP President, Echo Leader, Echo Legend, ACPRC Legend, Bronze Medal Award, Medal of Honor (x2), Medal of Training, Silver Medal Award, CPA Legend
The Army of Club Penguin represents a lot of great things, and it’s cool to see that it has made it this far. This sort of legacy in an online community is not something that happens often. I’ll eventually be less and less available but it’s great to know that the community I’ve helped create is in good hands, and shows no signs of slowing down. Even when things get tough, and it feels like everyone is against you, the Army of Club Penguin provides a space to relax, have fun, and learn about the army community at large.

5th, 14th and 16th Leader of the ACP, ACP Guardian Emeritus, DRACP President, SSACP Leader, Medal of Honor, Top Spy Award, CPA Legend
As we celebrate 18 years of ACP, I just want to express how much it means to me. The fun we’ve had, the adventures we’ve shared, and the friendships I’ve made are truly unforgettable and continue to this day. This community has forever shaped part of my life, and I’m grateful for it. Here’s to many more years of memories and enjoyment!

ACP Field Marshal
The greatest community I’ve ever witnessed. ACP was the place that kept me sane during the pandemic, where I met people I consider great friends now (kaiteadanken shoutout), and made countless unforgettable memories. Thank you, ACP! For many more years to come 🥂.

ACP Field Marshal
no words can describe, let’s keep going family <3

ACP Field Marshal
ACP means family – a safe place where you can connect with lots of amazing people, and have fun. all of my closest friends from 2020-2021 ACP are still some of my closest to this day. this shows just how important the bonds that ACP creates are

ACP Major General
ACP is honestly so awesome. The members, staff and leaders are in general so fun, kind and supportive. The events and breakday events are also very great. I actually haven’t been in the server for so long and yet I’ve made a lot of awesome friends, had lots of small chats with some members and I even got promoted to a staff member in a month. And I’m sure that in the future ACP will grow even more with awesome members, fun memories, chats, events, etc. !!

ACP Major
ACP has to be one of the best communities I’ve ever been apart of. It’s almost like a second family to some. We all have our differences, but we band together time and time again to conquer.

ACP Master Sergeant
ACP mean to me like a family but with friends

Ninja Leader
ACP Veteran
Acp is and will always be my best home. I served here under the leadership of great leaders who made this army go up and i am glad for serving under them Huge Shoutout to my mentors Austin, Coolguy and Calgo! ACP FOREVER

ACP Staff Sergeant
ACP means a lot, it’s a large community filled with awesome people. I have not much words but ACP makes my day. Thank y’all, and happy 18 years of ACP! Wait.. who’s alarm just ended

ACP Corporal

everyone in ACP is my family. (except bread i DESPISE you.)

ACP Major
Ummm… ACP is my home server, ever since i joined around February of 2021 (thanks Nefe for pointing when did i join) i think of 1 thing, to be stick around and just stay in the middle. But all of these things change when Max invited and welcomed me in the server. I was now filled with determination to achieve my new goal in ACP, to be part of HCOM team someday. But obviously i have to grind so i did. Few months came by and 1 problem occured, which is me to go on “hiatus” (rank that time is staff sergeant). I came back around during the leadership of Calgo (the money maker) and my god, i was hyper active that time and made myself climb on the ranks again until i hit first lieutenant. Came back again from the “hiatus” and this time around its the leadership of Ugly and Roxy (current awesome leaders) and made myself a name after my hiatus by ranking myself until Major (current rank) and joining RF, ACPTR, and the 100+ war 😭… But all of these hard work and dedication i realized, not only i came open to everyone but also made some friends, conflict and even producing NUKES AND BANANAS (ok bananas are a joke sorry 🍌). Yet its very clear that i have been here in the ACP for so long that i never think about my old objective which is reach HCOM… But now, i will achieve that dream of becoming an HCOM before my birthday (12/01) and be a role model for the future of ACP!!! So yea… Thats my story ACP, Happy 18th birthday!

I remember joining ACP and seeing lot of people named “eric adam koloway” for some reason and I thought it was funny. Now I’m still here and the community is fine. I miss older troops like General Maze and Scrotus but the newer people are still pretty great. Bring back Clover SMP. Shoutout to DANIEL20448

Bronze Medal Award Recipent

It’s like a second home <3

ACP Brigadier General
ACP has been very meaningful to me. I’ve greatly enjoyed engaging with people in ACP, so I appreciate being part of it!

ACP Master Sergeant
ACP mean s to me um A-mazing C-ool P-enguins and i really think that because when i go to acp i see a lot of cool penguins and i think that i think acp is really cool and nice and amazing

ACP Veteran
ACP is my home. It was my very first introduction into the world of CPA and I have loved the experience. Ever since I joined the server, all the way back in July 2020, ACP has been a place full of fun, kindness, and support. I also joined the staff team because I was inspired by the leaders and hcom who helped so many troops, myself included, have a wonderful time in ACP. I love ACP so much and can’t wait to see what each leader in the future has in store for this wonderful community!

ACP will forever be the best army in CPA

ACP General
For me, ACP is an escape from the real and serious of the world. It’s also a place where I can be myself and make friends. I love the different people I’ve gotten to meet and form connections here and I love watching ACP grow with me and the friends I’ve made. Acp is a source of community and a source of hope. ACP is perseverance and strength. ACP is history and a time capsule that never ends.

ACP Dedicated Officer
ACP means family and love, ACP is my safe place fr, I love my ACP fam, special mention to all my 2020-2021 staff, and every person that worked with me last year when I was HCOM(special mention to calgo for making my dream come true), yall are truly special to me, ACP is finally legal now! Cheers for ACP! 🫶♥️

ACP is like my third home because being in it really brought up most of my hindered abilities. Being able to vc lead + lead during events was really eye-opening because it was like public speaking which you need to have courage to. You can’t really backdown once you volunteer for to lead. It also helped with socializing especially during the lockdown because you were basically isolated in your own home. Being involved in acp was really amazing because I was able to make very close friendships and learn new things not just about the army itself.

Fruit Salad
ACP Previous Troop
This is to everyone who believed in me in my time in acp thanks to everyone who had believed in me and bless God for bringing us to the point we are right now we have made mistakes he has forgave us.

ACP Corporal
Acp is not just a community but it’s a family. The people there are so fun to talk to and welcomed me with open arms. The events are so fun, I love the support from all the members, and the conversations we all have are so funny and entertaining. I love Acp so much! Clovers for life 💚

ACP Staff Sergeant
To me ACP means an awesome group of people with even cooler events. Everyone who is in ACP in general is a very nice and I have had an amazing time here with everyone. I can’t wait for more events (and maybe wars???) I could be apart of. 😀

ACP Previous Troop
Though, I haven’t been here long, what ACP means to me is community and how we should care about as well as make meaningful connections with each other.

Sergeant Major
ACP is a really important army to me, where I shared memories with lots of friends. Acp was also the first army I have been to and was the place where i grew up. Everyone was nice there, so it was easy to settle in with everybody, plus Acp is more then just a community, it was like family and friendship to me. Over the past few months in acp, i already had alot of people that inspired me and supported me. So please, let us celebrate our achievements and continue to support each other. Happy 18th Anniversary.

ACP Major
ACP means meeting new people and a chance to try something new

ACP Ally
Just how the Cosmic Microwave Background is a remnant of the beginning of the Universe, ACP is a remnant of armies as we know them today.

ACP Brigadier General
ACP means a whole lot to me, why? you may ask. A year hasn’t even passed yet I always feel so pleasant and joyful when playing or even interacting in ACP. Everyone is almost like a family to me. Everyone is so optimistic and cheerful even when facing hardships. We care for each other and worry too.
When I first joined ACP, I felt intimidated and I thought i wouldn’t fit in. But as time passed and I got to know everyone, I felt so safe in the community. I could let out my emotions, opinions and even open up. I never felt so vulnerable around people, it felt so great to finally experience getting cared for and to let out your feelings.
Even when I was at my lowest and had many issues, ACP has become a reason why I gave another attempt at life. This community takes a big part in my life, sounds weird right?? I know, but I’m being honest, I really don’t mind getting called cringe or addicted since it is true.
I wanna use this opportunity to thank the people who really gave a big influence on me. First off we have Hana. She’s the one who recruited me. I really want to thank her for that. I wouldn’t have discovered this community if it wasn’t for her. Second, is Pumpkin. In the beginning, i really liked her (NOT sarcasm). She was always optimistic and always caring for others. This present, Pumpkin always helps me when I need advice or help. Next is Roxy, I wanna thank you for being a great leader and guide for all the troops of ACP. She’s always there for me when i need help. Last but not least is the one and only Riri. I absolutely adore Riri, shes always so lively and nice, always interacting with troops here and there. Riri also plays a huge part in the staff team. Overall, they all served as a role model for me. (I also wanna give my thanks to Ugly, Kimo, Yeeter and Ruru.)
I wanted to improve and take part in the building of the new future of ACP alongside them. So I strived to help ACP to be more safer and more fun. As of right now, i haven’t opened discord for a while due to academic reasons, I also missed the anniversary week. I was devastated, as I wanted to attend, yet i can’t (I’m itching to attend events). This indicates that ACP has become an important asset of my daily life to the point it’s like addiction (It’s concerning).
In the future, i hope to see ACP still standing and improving. As the future of ACP depends on the troops of this community. HAPPY 18TH ANNIVERSARY ACP WOOO1!!11!1!!!11!

ACP Veteran
Acp is honestly just home for me. It’s one big family and it’s so good to have made so many friends over all these years of me being involved with the army. They say family are the ones you meet along the way. Such a huge achievement for Acp to reach 18 years and it’s beyond amazing the impact this army has had on CPA in general. This place will always be home for me. Happy 18 years Acp!!! AUSIA RISE UP!

ACP Major General
it genuinely has changed my life for the better, especially the friends ive made here !! i spam kys all day but i care about you guys so much and thank you for everything you’ve done even if it’s as small as vcing with me or asking me how i am <33

ACP Veteran
Army Of Ghostbusters means more than I can even comprehend. More than the average human can even fathom i mean if i could describe the feeling in one word it would be

Lots of great messages showing really what ACP means to a lot of people in the community. No matter the difficulties and hardships the army goes through, the ACP community always finds a way to keep itself intact no matter what, and that’s why this community always remained one-of-a-kind.

What Does ACP Mean To YOU? Let us know in the comments below!


ACP 51th Commander in Chief

One Response

  1. I see mine 😀

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