Deserve a promotion for May 2021? Comment below with the following form!
Discord Tag:
Current Rank:
Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!):
Why do you deserve a promotion?
Filed under: Army of CP |
Deserve a promotion for May 2021? Comment below with the following form!
Discord Tag:
Current Rank:
Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!):
Why do you deserve a promotion?
Filed under: Army of CP |
i’m super cool
Discord Tag: nochill#1111
Current Rank: LiT
Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 11
Why do you deserve a promotion? 🙂
Discord Tag: Nacho.#9914
Current Rank: Field General(4ic)
Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 8.5
Why do you deserve a promotion? Been in the same rank for 3 months+, has been working hard for a promotion since I got 4ic, recruited as much as I could, hyped, helped with events, moderated chat, etc.
Discord Tag: MazeGeneralXXVII#9516
Current Rank: Sergeant Major
Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 5 – 6
Why do you deserve a promotion? I believe man deserves a promotion because I have been recruiting quite a lot in Recruiting Force, even becoming ROTW 2 weeks in a row. Event wise I have only attended a little, but they were all during very important events such as the Doritos War. I am around in chat and always engaging in topics and conversations.
Discord Tag: BlueMaster_UvU#6155
Current Rank: Lance Corporal
Activity Level: 4-5
I always try to make time in my day for the events and I’m a true and loyal ACP soldier!!!
Discord Tag: HTost🅰️do #4273
Current Rank: Sergeant
Activity Level: Around 7
Why do you think you deserve a promotion? Because of my consistence on attending events such as battles and because of my efficiency as a troop.
Discord Tag TastyPantaloon#6969
Current Rank:Colonel (ik I won’t get promo but I attended 34 events in May)
Activity Level: 10, I attended 34 events
I attend all events, I welcome, new members, im pretty awesome, and I recruit very often
I don’t think I deserve a promotion. I think that I need to be more active, this comment is purely for the basis of self critiscisim, but I do love this army and Im trying to sort out my schedule so I can attend more events.
Discord tag: Miss Coz
Current Rank: Master Sergeant
Activity level- 4-5 sometimes even less
Discord Tag: Carmelo3#0160
Current Rank: Lieutenant General
Activity level (from a scale of 1 to 10 – be honest!): 5 in the last month but because of personal reasons
Why do you deserve a promotion?
I believe I deserve a promo because despite going through a really tough month I still tried to hit my mins by getting many recruits every week and trying to attend events. I have been pushing for a promo for some time now and I feel like now is a good time. Good luck to everyone else. ACP ACP ACP, FAMILY FOREVER