[March Madness] Finals vs. IW – Results!

Hey ACP!

We logged on to day to face the Ice Warriors in the finals of the March Madness tournament, where we maxed 97 – our newest record on both CPR and HTML!

Pre-battle room

Room 1: Berg

Room 2: Stadium

Room 3: Inside Mine

OT: Cove



Operation: We Rise From This is far from over.

We did what we believed was impossible, and made it to the finals, despite everything. Next time, we win.

ACP Leader

4 Responses

  1. Well done ACP!

  2. We move!!!

  3. We rise from this!

  4. […] The climax of Operation: WRFT began on April 3rd. On that day, we faced off against the Ice Warriors in an intense battle with an overtime room. However, there could only be one winner, and the victory was given to the Ice Warriors. Nevertheless, we did amazing at the battle, reaching a massive showing of 97, breaking both our HTML5 record and our CPR record! (results here) […]

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