[SEPTEMBER 2020] Monthly Promotions!

Bold = Promoted
Italicized = Demoted
Click the read more tag to see the promotions!

Army of Club Penguin Ranks



Red= USA/CA || Blue = UK/EUR || Purple = Oceanic/AUSIA
Commander in Chief
 Field Marshal
Max, 2funky3, Zelly, Cubster
Brad, Kailey, Yetico, Robot, Koloway





Field General
Scorpion Demon, Aurora
Lieutenant General
Skyfull, Daniel
Major General
Henry, FatChicken88, HollowOofManjr, Chek, Gugspugs, Sanya, Nacho



Brigadier General
Sirplus, StevosYasmini, Wyperr, ZoomXT, Belencita, Sully, Lily, Ash





Spyman, Doink, Marquis, Skipper, Shane, Enigma, Pungu, Camotes
Felix Raycher, Lucia, Kimi, Baileybear, Yesn’t, Bri, Cherry Cherry, DIODestro, Stef, Kyuu, Keynikki, MaddieCW3, Sawfishpro, CHUNGUS, Pandito, Ken, Beiruk, Carmelo
Calie, Furry Kailey, Reshykrom, Light, Megan, King Pumpkin
First Lieutenant
Flippy,  Dest, Bino, Faux
Second Lieutenant
Outertale Sans, Laboss, Sharkbate, Gib, Mow
 Sergeant Major
Nathalex, Zaerose, TheBrokenMessage, Powerprimate, BlueGuitarCL, RaiRai, Icey, Pan Dorado, Cubeoid
Warrant Officer
Frog, Evo_ChrisSatSuki 
Master Sergeant
NotASeat, Simple Egg, KawaiiAvery, NICOLE, Sema, Rarity
Staff Sergeant



Darth Knight, rollo de canela, Grindelwald, mikey, Snow Wing, APPLE6683
 Issa, Akimy, Cathrine, Pandacorn, Tina
Fire Lord Zuko, e a t w a t e r, mTeo, Myth, IsaacTheDreamer, Haxway, Bella, Shad0W0lf, Irisa, Cat, DragonShadowWolf
Daisy, Sr. Mario, vader, Onisuke, Guille, Tyler., Carbonated, Thecomicbookguy, Igster, Socialist Jake, Amelia, Nlc, Styx, Rusty, Dacooldisc, Zace, Kulangot, ElcuriousoGabrieloYT, Pearl, ItsAlexis,  Xena, Mizzy, Txsc, Santiagomidina, Toasted Vaseline, Peter, Otaku_Fujoshi, YEET MONSTER, Galletitas De Animaltitos, Aleena, Sarahah, Aryan, Venus, Jubilee, Cass
Lance Corporal
This will be your rank after you attend your first event! To rank up to Corporal, reach 25 Clovers!
This will be your rank when you first join the army! To rank up to Lance Corporal, simply attend your first event!

King Mondo, Bobcatboy, Mchappy


ACP Panel of Guardians
Mchappy*, Shaboomboom, Flipmoo, Boomer20

* denotes current acting Guardian


5 Responses

  1. Thanks for my promotion! And congrats Daniel, Ash and Skyfull!

  2. omgggg :ooooooooooooooooo

  3. Congrats to ASH for making the staff team!

  4. […] of the month?checking if you got a promo ofc! want to be proud or ashamed? check it out >> here […]

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