Hey ACP,
We are happy to announce the return of Troop of the Month!
What qualifies for TOTM?
– Activity in ACP chat
– Activity in attending events
– Involved in the ACP community
– Has taken initiative in certain areas
This month, Cherry Cherry has been chosen as the TOTM for her activity in attending events, her participation in ACP, and her amicability in chat. Albeit just joining this month, she’s already made herself a known member and friend within the Army of Club Penguin.
In addition, she’s taken initiative in making an ACP-themed igloo!
Without further ado, here’s an interview for everyone to get to know Cherry Cherry better!
Interview with Cherry Cherry
CSY: Hi Cherry Cherry, can you quickly introduce yourself to the troops of ACP?
Cherry Cherry: Hi, I’m Cherry Cherry…yeah! My CPR username is “Raspberry!”.
CSY: How did you find out about the ACP? How long have you been here? Any previous experience with armies?
Cherry Cherry: I joined ACP February 5th of 2020 so I’m still kind of new. I just recently got promoted to Sergeant
.I’ve had no previous experience with armies and I got recruited a few months back (like 3). I didn’t really understand so I declined. After those few months, I remembered vaguely about an “army of club penguin” so I decided to google it. I clicked the link which led me to here and then I joined ACP! CSY: What do you enjoy most about CPR?
Cherry Cherry: I love how fun CPR is, and I absolutely LOVE the minigames (especially System Defender).
CSY: What do you enjoy most about armies?
Cherry Cherry: I love the teamwork in armies and how people share their ideas and are open to members.
CSY: What is your favorite memory in the ACP?
Cherry Cherry: My favorite memory in ACP? Hmm…there’s tons of memories I love about ACP, and one of my favorites is when Kailey310 went to her igloo and talked to her crab stuffed animal about the crab rave we had. It’s under pinned messages in #main-chat is anyone wants to see! I also loved the card jit-su game we had (gg xavieruwu)! I really look up to Zelly, Dawnables, Max, Kailey, other Kailey and Flippy (and of course CSY who I hope finally got some sleep).
CSY: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Cherry Cherry: I obviously am on Discord a lot, and I really enjoy reading and hanging out with my friends :).
CSY: What are your goals for the future – regarding armies or otherwise?
Cherry Cherry: My goals for ACP are to become a major (so I can make jokes about being a major big deal) and maybe even become a HCOM. I’d like to be well known throughout ACP too 😉 .
CSY: Anything you want to say to the people of ACP?
Cherry Cherry: Army of Club Penguin, CLOVER POWER FOREVER!!!
Thanks everyone!!!
P.S. Just because I didn’t mention your name, doesn’t mean that I do not find you important. (Yes Xenomorth, you are very important! And you Aurora! And DeputyJames! And Oddone! And ACES! And all of you!!!)
ACP Leader
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Filed under: Army of CP, Troop of The Month |
Perfect choice for ACP's first troop of the week!
dang, doesnt even mention me in those shoutouts :p lol good job cherry! you deserved it!
*Teachnically* I said \”all of you\” so just take that with you 😉