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    ~ Ugly

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    August 2007
    M T W T F S S

War with a Rebellion, and Rogue ACP?

Recently, many of you saw a few comments by some guy that has decided to start a rebellion against the ACP and its “rule over Club Penguin”, which is wierd because we don’t rule CP. Anyway, his organization is the UPR, or, Underground Penguin Resistance/Rebellion. Just to point this out, this guy is all talk. We know exactly who he is, what his army is, and how to stop him.


This guy is either Drew, or a soldier of Drew’s, in the UACP. His goal is to destroy the ACP, and to destroy the Army Council, for really poorly thought out reasons. So we will go to war with him. And after feeling the wrath of the ACP, RPF, UMA, Nachos, Golds, GPR, and our countless other allies, he will think twice before declairing war on an obviously superior enemy. So Drew, I will see you on the battlefield.


Read the post below me, I need everyone to read it.


Recently their have been sightings of Rogue ACP, or RACP. Don’t worry, after everyone sees this post, I will make a post on how we will stop them.



Until later,

March on!